Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meet the Bard

As opposed to accomplishing nothing since the weekend, I've actually done quite well. I think I've only got 9 or so more classes to illustrate! Almost forgot to write this up, so it's a bit short.

Anyway, this is the bard. As you might expect from the fantasy archetypes, he plays his instrument and sings great songs of heroes and all that stuff. He's probably the most stereotypical character. He's unlocked from the beginning. His attacks:
  • He isn't much of a fighter, but he does carry a little knife. It's more of a last resort, or eeking out that last point of damage sort of thing.
  • The bard knows when to get out of a fight, he can flee, which gives him a speed boost, and cures any status effects he might be suffering.
  • He's can carry a tune, but he really only knows two songs. The first is a cleansing song. It cures any status effects anyone nearby might have.
  • The second tune is a rousing chorus, which heals nearby friends a bit.
The Bard is rather unashamedly a support class, as you might expect. He doesn't exactly hold up too well in combat, but he can get out of tight spots and his songs are incredibly useful. For a while he won't seem too important, since he's lousy in the smaller, early fights, but when the fights open up to four or more, he really shines. There are very few classes that can heal, and I think fewer that can effectivly remove status effects. He can do both well.

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