Monday, August 17, 2009

Tubes Made of You

So I said I would upload a video of gameplay, and I have. I just filmed a whole round vs an AI. Hopefully it'll give you maybe a little sense of how the game plays.

Some notes:
  • The games for windows live thing at the start is asking me to sign in, which I couldn't be bothered.
  • Animations are running at half speed at the moment. Architecture should have decoupled the draw and update for attack animations, but apparently, I did not. It's a quick fix, but I didn't notice till after I started recording. Just imagine all of the attack animations running at double speed.
  • The health bars and symbols is from me hitting RB for more info.
  • If you watch closely, you'll notice some of the animations are bugged (the flash powder is especially bad). Haven't fixed all of them yet.
  • It doesn't end when I eliminate the opponent, have that turned off presently.

I would have just used youtube, but it has a 10 minute limit. I apologize for how fuzzy it is. I have no idea why, I only imagine when they convert it to flv they downsample a fair bit. Maybe I'll use youtube in the future, just so I can get higher def.

I am impressed with these video websites, I really expected a crappy java app would have to transmogrify my files before I could upload them, but it seems they're quite happy to have gigs of avi shoved down their pipe.

You probably will have no idea what's going on, maybe in the future I'll do commentary on a shorter match. I was thinking about uploading video weekly, but it's such a pain. I think I'll wait a while before posting another video.

[edit] Why is the post date and time set when I create the post, not when I publish? Who thought that was a good idea?
[edit] added embedded video, cuz I'm "hip" and "with it"

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